New Call!!
I am excited to share that I have a new call (and this new blog) as an ELCA global missionary!! I will be serving as the Facilitator for Leadership Development and Capacity Building with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zambia.
Currently, I am still in the United States as I await my Zambia work permit. But hopefully I will get to leave for Zambia soon. In the meantime, I am trying to read and learn about Zambia (interview with the new President) and work on learning one of the 73 national languages of Zambia. I'm also knitting and hanging out with my two nieces a bit more as well.
Once I arrive in Zambia, I will update this blog with pictures and stories from our companions in Zambia. My previous blog from my call as the Senegal Country Coordinator of the ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program is still available here.