Yesu Bwenzi La Wochimwa

During the months of August and September, I was in the United States visiting congregations in New Jersey and New York, Chicago, and Minnesota and Wisconsin who support me - both financially and spiritually - as an ELCA global missionary.   Zikomo!!  

Several congregations asked me to teach a song that is sung in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zambia (ELCZa).  Well, the song that I chose, "Yesu Bwenzi La Wochimwa," is familiar to many people in the United States, since it is a translation of the song "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" into the chewe language.  Those of you in the ELCA can find it in english in ELW 742.

To my surprise and delight, last Saturday as I was in a meeting at the Matero congregation, I heard "Yesu Bwenzi La Wochimwa" floating in the windows of the church building.  The teens from the congregation were gathered outside for confirmation class, and were rehearsing the songs they would sing in worship the following day, including "Yesu Bwenzi La Wochimwa."

I am glad to share with you, then, "Yesu Bwenzi La Wochimwa" sung by the ELCZa Matero congregation teens.  If you would like to sing along, I have written the lyrics below the video.

Yesu Bwenzi la wochimwa 
Yesu wondikondabe, 
Ena samandikwanira, 
Yesu salephera 'i. 
Aleluya Mpulumutsi! 
Aleluya Bwenzilo! 
Amakonda, amasunga, 
Ndimufuna Yesuyo 
Yesu ndiye mphamvu yanga, 
Poyesedwa ndi adani 